Corrective exercises play a vital role in decreasing pain by improving spinal biomechanics. Researchers found that the best treatment for patients suffering from either acute or chronic neck and back pain is the combination of chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercise. Outcome measures showed that the combination of both chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercise exceeded chiropractic adjustments or corrective exercise alone. That is why we always prescribe corrective exercise to augment the chiropractic adjustment.

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Corrective exercises are not meant to be the sole factor in helping you with a condition but are used to be part of a well-rounded chiropractic treatment strategy. While there are many issues that chiropractors can help with, most patients suffer from pain caused by poor bio-mechanics. While your adjustments focus on the proper alignment and flexibility of the spine, corrective exercises focus on general mobility, strength, and coordination.

The decision of which exercises to prescribe is based on the results of the history and initial examination. We perform a biomechanical audit to assess your ankles, knees, hips, lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine and shoulders to determine areas of reduced mobility, reduced muscle engagement and poor alignment. Exercises are then prescribed to augment the adjustment and improve regions of poor biomechanics.


Corrective exercises aren’t the only part of your overall chiropractic treatment but is the bulk of the work that you will do outside of the office setting. Therefore, you will work with us to fully understand the entire process. We will teach you the proper movements for the exercises while you are in the office and can also send you videos and educational material that you can review at home. With the combination of office demonstration and the ability to evaluate the exercises at your own pace, the chances of success with your treatment program increase. CORRECTIVE EXERCISES VS. PHYSICAL THERAPY

While physical therapy is similar to corrective exercises, physical therapy does not include that the chiropractic adjustment. This is a problem, since the most effective strategy for managing spinal pain is the combination of chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercise. Physical therapists are not licensed and trained to render chiropractic adjustments. Therefore this essential component of treatment is missing when you visit a physical therapist.